Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Captivating Nursing Essay Examples on Staff Members Nursing Homes

buy custom Captivating Nursing Essay Examples on Staff Members Nursing Homes Nursing Essay Example on Acts of Violence and Staff Members Nursing Homes Introduction Violence is any act, physical or verbal, aimed at a second party, which causes massive bodily or mental damage and/or harm. In a society aiming to uphold peace and harmony, such acts are unacceptable if not deplorable. Despite this, violence experienced in nursing homes is beyond any wild imagination. Staff members and certified nursing assistants in nursing homes have frequently yet silently been the subjects of violence for a long time. To say that it is understandable given the nature of their work is to be ignorant. The time to implement recommendations made by many researchers has surely come. Administrators, policy makers, and other stakeholders, therefore, have to use this opportunity to minimize, if not to eradicate all atrocities borne by staff members in nursing homes. Since experiences and information obtained from the Daughter of Miriams Nursing Home is reflective of the events occurring in other nursing homes nationwide, it is not wrong to assume that the suggestions put forward are revelatory. These suggestions will not only be a turning point to the Daughter of Miriams Nursing Home, but also to all other nursing homes aiming to increase staff's satisfaction and enhance its productivity.

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