Friday, October 18, 2019

Short Critical Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short Critical Reflection Paper - Essay Example It can store half truths that masquerade as fact. You might find a great answer to a question online, but because it is not from a reliable source, it may be inaccurate. However the libraries of the19th century were not very easy to access and it was very difficult to find the relevant information. They were also not very updated. In contrast Google is a very efficient and effective resource to search particular information. Is email dead for teenagers? Explain. Despite the influence that email holds amongst adults as a main mode of personal and professional communication, it is not a predominantly important part of the communication arsenal of today’s youth. Only 14% of all adolescence report transferring of emails to their friends each day, making it the least admired form of daily social communication on the record. Even among multi-channel youth, who are more likely to take benefit of any communication channel they have access to, just 23% declare they send email to their contacts daily. High school age doesn't utilize email at all, they send archives through AIM and converse with their cell phones, face book and IM. Once they are into the college they are enforced to use email for classes but they hardly ever use it to be in touch with friends.

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